About Us
Progressive Ag was founded by Ray Grabanski and Dave Hankey. Ray serves as President and Dave as Vice President.
Progressive Ag is a firm which since 1992 has been specializing in helping farmers prosper by taking calculated risks, and reduces risk to farmers via crop insurance, cash marketing positions, and futures/options hedging accounts when the limited reward is no longer worth the risk.
Progressive Ag Marketline focuses on the timing of this risk transfer, and coordinating those efforts with the highly subsidized, but rigid multi-peril crop insurance program. Progressive Ag has been highly successful in this venture, rated the top marketing firm in the US by the USDA sponsored AGMAS Program, and more recently AgWeb-Top Producer Magazine, which has placed Progressive Ag Marketline consistently above all other US marketing firms for corn/soybeans for average marketing price. Progressive Ag Marketline topped the list for both crops for the 2008-2015 marketing years.
Mission and Goals
Our Mission: To provide farmers with a marketing plan to capture prices in the top one-half of the market while reducing risk. Our Goals: To make you an extra 10–20 cents per bushel
Our Goal at Progressive Ag Systems is to make the connection between your crop marketing plan and crop insurance coverage to provide the best possible crop insurance services to our customers. We want all customers to take less risk and make more money with each decision they make. Our insurance professionals have the expertise and resources to help you make the best possible use of your crop insurance coverage by executing commodity sales when the opportunity presents itself. One of the biggest concerns our new customers express is their inability to “pull the trigger”. Progressive Ag will take the worry out of making pre-harvest marketing decisions.
- Pre-Harvest Marketing Plans & Seminars
- Post-Harvest Marketing Seminars
- Professional Risk Analysis
- Competitive Hail Rates
- Software to Analyze Marketing Plans, Insurance Coverage, Farm Programs & Production Costs
- Livestock Revenue Insurance